Monday, October 13, 2008

To all my family

Please Start a blog. Because you need to get with the program!!! it is fun!!! And only more fun if everyone does it. If you need help getting started call me and I will help you. Yes, Im talking to you Mom and dad, Jamie Hoopes, Christine Gottfredson, Nickell and Chris Beach, Kirsten Shipman, Grammy and anyone else who sees this.


Brooke B said...

Cute picture! See why I kept buggin you to do it, its fun!!

Brook and Chad said...

Oh, I agree! I forgot to put out the sign in sheet with the family emails, etc. on it at the Fourth. So, that is why I didn't do the main family blog yet. But, I totally will! Then the main blog can also have links to our individual blogs!!! Will you send me your email address? I JUST LOVE YOU!!! Brook (

Brook and Chad said...

Ok, new day, new comment. I was checking out your food storage link... how cool! I added it to mine! And, I laughed and loved that I made the cut. What a funny, cute way to list your friends' links! You are so CUTE! (And, don't tell Tyler, I am supposed to be working right now. Ha! JK)

Jamie Meacham said...

Hey Andrea
Jessica Laws and I have blogs too! Our address is Come check us out. I love your dogs little fashion show, those are great!
Jamie Hammond Meacham